I am a pretty simple gal!!!

I am from Alabama, went to Auburn, moved to Chattanooga when I graduated and then to Nashville in 2007.  I am married to my biggest supporter and I have two pups. I am a huge animal welfare advocate and volunteer for the cause. I love SEC football, backpacking and being outdoors. I love textures, lavender, good deals, consignment, being with family and friends, my husbands cooking, vintage tees, indie music, and riding with the windows down even in 90 degree heat!!!!

Photography is my passion. Its always changing. You can't ask the groom to kiss the bride, AGAIN. That kiddo may not do "that face" again. That tree will look different tomorrow. That person may not be here next week. To be able to capture that moment in time before it changes... is my goal and why I want to do this.
